Thursday, May 26, 2016

Shorter week means more work, trips, and cuddles with Woolly

A shorter workweek sounds good. For me, it tends to be hectic. Unfortunately, I predicted correctly.

I work from home on Wednesdays. My boss booked a two-hour meeting yesterday. I was asked to join online. I decided to join for half an hour, citing having an appointment at 10:30 am. I am glad that I did. I spent the remaining time catching up on work.

It is pretty hectic trying to complete my own work on top of working with two summer interns. I spend a decent amount of time making sure that they know what they are doing. I then spend even more time reviewing their work, which involved a total of 1000 pages of edits within the past two days.

The fun part? I finished filing my travel expenses for last week's conference. As strange as it sounds, I enjoy filing expenses. I am organized. It's probably a math thing. I had all my receipts photographed. My boss knows how I tick. He immediately approved everything.

Guess what? I get to go on campus to one of the universities I had visited back in February to interview a new set of prospective interns to start work in September. I get to do a mini road trip this Friday with my boss, who likes that I end up expensing everything and driving us there. It really means that he will approve what we have for lunch.

He actually trusts me so much with my food recommendations that he has asked that I pick a place. Back in February, I chose a ramen place right off the bat, without even being asked to do this task. He was game. It's good that we both love food and I have a say in what yummy food I want to eat.

I miss my guy. I was cuddling Woolly, the stuffed plush sheep that he gave me, earlier. I had him in between my breasts. The way that Woolly looked at me reminds me of my guy doing the same thing after playing or sucking on my breasts.

My guy chose the perfect gift as a sweet reminder of him.


  1. I love how well you and your boss get along, CB...that is a real blessing. Got any ideas for where you two are going to have lunch? If your guy wears any aftershave or cologne, you could spray a bit on Woolly...makes cuddling even better. ;)

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. You have wonderful suggestions, as always, Cat! I do like when he wears aftershave. I should have Woolly try some, too. =)

      As for lunch, I asked one of our current interns for suggestions. I took her recommendation on a taco place. The food was fabulous! I will need to elaborate more on that in another post.
