Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Merry Christmas and more!

Hi, there! It has been a while. I hope that you are well.

I'd like to wish you a happy Christmas with family and loved ones, if you celebrate it. This year will be the first time in years in which I am not cooking a turkey dinner. 

I just came back from a week in the Twin Cities and Winnipeg. I ended up catching a nasty cold. I have been sleeping it off for days. Right now, I feel the most energetic in days. I still have a phlegmy cough. At least I am on the mend and don't have to go back to work until the second week of January.

I was too weak and sick to hit the grocery store. I'm fine with soup and items that I have at home. It's just not a full-blown turkey dinner that I typically make for my parents and me.

On Christmas eve, I had a financial counselling appointment pertaining to my consumer proposal. The Teams link didn't work. I sat there waiting to be admitted. I cancelled the call, which prompted the woman to say that we could do it over the phone.

I have a lot of thoughts about my consumer proposal. I am happy with it on the whole. The firm preparing those who are going through one for the first time needs to provide more support.

I hope to write more here. It has been a challenge trying to focus when my blog has changed its original purpose. It will be about whatever I am experiencing in my life. I haven't thought about spanking in ages.


  1. Sorry you arent feeling well, take care of yourself.
    It doesnt matter what you blog about, I still enjoy reading your post.
    I love financial things maybe a little to much, always finding ways to budget, save to be better than I was yesterday in life

    1. Thanks, Fred. I am getting better. It helps that I am getting a lot of rest and taking it easy.

      I appreciate your comments. It's nice while I'm on vacation to spend time blogging here again.

      I had stellar credit until a few life events happens. I'm now trying to fixing my financial situation. I'm happy to share that part of my life here. I'm glad that you have an interest in budgeting.
