Saturday, July 18, 2020

Computer eyeglasses - do they work?

I am contemplating getting computer eyeglasses to reduce eye strain. I've noticed it more since I came back from vacation and have been back to the grind.

Do these computer eyeglasses help? Is it better to get something similar, but as a screen protector for a computer monitor or laptop screen?

I need to do some research. I haven't got a clue. I do know that I'm much happier not looking at a computer screen for hours.


  1. Needing glasses for computer work comes to us all.
    You will probably look very school mistress'ly stern in glasses.

    1. I may need to either get new prescription glasses for my nearsightedness that also reduces blue light and glare.

      Thanks for the vote of confidence of my looking like a school mistress with glasses on. I like it!

  2. ...most laptop screens are too bright, and the more so if one did choose a mat screen... one should always choose a mat screen... and a number of laptops won't reduce that brightness beyond a point which is still too bright... desktop lighter is a free software which will further reduce the brightness... and moistening eyedrops at least once a day...
    B :)

    1. Thanks for sharing these details with me, B. My work and personal laptops have glossy screens, so that's a huge issue.

      I'll try Desktop Lighter and see how that goes. Thanks for the suggestions! Otherwise, I'll need to get new eyeglasses with digital protection of some sort.

    2. If a desktop its easy enough to change for a mate screen...

    3. Sadly, both are laptops. My lone monitor that I could plug either laptop into is also glossy. =(

  3. I don't know about actual "computer glasses" but I wear drugstore reading glasses for computer work. I use strength 2.00, while I need 2.50 for reading, they don't work for the computer. These glasses are quite cheap, so you could experiment.


    1. I was thinking about getting a pair of computer glasses from Shoppers Drug Mart and see (haha!) how they go. Otherwise, I could get a new pair of glasses with digital protection that reduces glare and blue light.

  4. If you mean prescription eyeglasses for middle distance, yes, they do work. I had "piano glasses" with my prescription, just for middle distance, about 2-3 feet away from the source (piano music). The same would apply for computers.

    1. I am nearsighted, so I'm thinking that it's the glare or blue light from my work laptop that's causing my eye strain.
