Monday, June 18, 2018

Having lunch, being groped, and enjoying a kiss

My guy and I are predictable when we have lunch or dinner at the closest Chinese restaurant by our workplace. It was no different on Saturday when we were there for lunch.

I got spicy garlic chicken. He got ginger beef. Both came with steamed rice. Our food was yummy, as always.

We had a wonderful time chatting and laughing. I shared with him that I am going for a week-long business trip in August. He has been there once roughly five years ago, so I got some travel pointers from him.

After we were done having lunch, we left the restaurant. I grabbed his hand and we ran little circles with our thumbs as we held hands. It was reminiscent of the first time that we ever held hands.
"I like that you have cool hands. They are perfect when it feels like summer. It cools me down," I noted.
"Yes, I don't have icy cold hands that make you cringe," he said, smiling.
"You are probably annoyed that my body heat is running high," I noted.
"You're hot, so it makes sense," he said sweetly.
He walked me to my car first, which was closer. I went to unlock my car. His right hand grabbed my left buttock. He groped it often, which aroused me.
"What happens if someone sees you grabbing my butt?" I asked him.
"That person would probably agree with me that a cute girl like you likes your butt groped. You're attractive," he said.
We kissed. It was a nice, tender kiss. The sun was out and about, which made the kiss special.

We separated for a bit. We had to drive back to the office in our cars, load his luggage in my car, and have a bit of treehouse time before heading off to the airport.


  1. Have missed reading about you and your guy, CB. Was fun to tune in and read the familiar lunch menu. hahaha So very happy that things are going well for you.

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. Hi, Cat! It's wonderful hearing from you again. I hope that you're doing well. Yes, my guy and I are still predictable eaters and are doing great. =)

      Take care,
