Friday, March 23, 2018

Job interviews

A few weeks back, I decided to apply for a managerial job. Normally, I don't expect a response. I got one last week from a talent acquisition person.

I spoke to her on Monday. Everything seemed to check out fine. It was a good thirty-minute conversation.

Several hours later, she scheduled a second interview. I had that one on Thursday. 

Unfortunately, this person used Skype to talk to me. I could barely hear him. The connection was also bad, so I heard every other word.

Despite these technological challenges, I felt good about how I did. I was asked to submit writing samples. It's interesting trying to select samples from my past. It's nice that I have a decent portfolio after all these years. I have two from my past. Tomorrow, I will need to find something at work that I can submit.

This job is a step up for me. Considering that I have been leading a number of writers for a while and have been doing some of my manager's tasks these days, this job seemed like a good fit.

My commute time would be reduced a bit. I would be commuting to the west side of Toronto should I get this position.

I'm optimistic. I also don't mind if I don't get the position. It's nice to do interviews and get some practice.

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