Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Mini my guy plush doll

Since my guy had an incredibly long travel and work day on Sunday, his original plan to drive into work on Monday has been postponed. It's understandable, although we can't wait to see each other.

On the phone last night, I told my guy that I found a company that will take a photo that you submit of a person or a drawing, and it will make that person or object in the form of a plush doll. For a while, I have been thinking about having a stuffed doll that looks like my guy. I joked that I could use Velcro for his hair and rip it off when I felt like seeing the previous version of my guy. He felt that it was too violent for his liking!

My guy asked me whether this plush doll had a penis. I told him that it wasn't anatomically correct. Instead, I could sew a few versions of his manhood, and use Velcro to attach each one to his mini-him. We both laughed.
"Are you going to do it?" he asked me.
"I would do you anywhere," I replied. "Oh, you meant get the plush doll!"
"Are you?" he asked, after he had stopped laughing.
"Yes. When you're away, I can cuddle up to the doll."
"You're so sweet."
I just need to take a photo of my guy and get my order started.


  1. You'll have to keep us informed as to how this turns out CB. Oh and you could also take a picture of you dressed in one of your guy's favorite outfits and create a mini-me of you for your guy. ;)

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. I sure will, Cat! I hope to get a decent photo of him tomorrow and start the plush mini-him soon.

      He tells me that I am his doll, so maybe I should get him a mini-me for him. =)
