Wednesday, March 16, 2016

A date with my guy and finally seeing him

On Tuesday, my guy pinged me twice over our work's instant messaging app. Unfortunately, his wifi connection was so horrible that we didn't say too much. The second time, his connection completely died. Instead, I went into another room at the office and called his cell phone.

He was supposed to come into the office on Tuesday, but got sidetracked due to various last-minute meetings. Instead, he told me that he had to run an errand near where I live on Wednesday. So, he asked whether I'd like to do a late lunch or early dinner. Naturally, I agreed.

Thank goodness I called him to get these details. Initially, we were thinking of dinner. I had made reservations at a restaurant. I called the place back to reschedule.

I can always tell when my guy misses me.
"I thought that it would make better sense to have a late lunch with you. I'd get a couple of hours to hang out with you," he reasoned.
"You mean you'd be hung," I said, teasing him.
There aren't too many moments where he isn't horny. It'll be nice to see him at long last!


  1. So happy you were able to spend some time together, CB. Since you two seem to almost always go out for Chinese, did you break your streak or continue? ;)

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. That's a great question! I will answer it in an upcoming post. The suspense is killing me more. =)
