Friday, September 09, 2016

Role reversal and lunch

I drove back home from Montreal a few hours ago. I was there to train a few employees. They told me that it was helpful and good. Learning how to use a new tool isn't as daunting anymore to them, which is wonderful.

My guy sent me an instant message out of the blue while I was on my lunch break on Tuesday.
MG: Hey, are you in Montreal?
Me: Hey! Oui, je suis a Montreal. I can't find the accents!
MG: =) How's training?
Me: So far, so good. We are breaking for lunch now. How are you?
MG: I'm in the office all this week and next for training.
Me: =( for this week, except Friday. =) for next week," I wrote back.
MG: =)
Me: Can I see you on Friday?
MG: Yes
Me: Yay!
We thought that it would be a while before we'd see each other at work. Funny how our roles ended up being reversed a bit. I am normally the one at the office and he is travelling.

Anyway, after I crazy week working at another office location and doing additional work after hours, we get to have lunch together on Friday. Yay!


  1. I had quite a different idea when I read the title of the post, girl with the naughty name! How nice to be travelling yourself for a change!


    1. I just realized that my post's title does have a different meaning! Who knows? Maybe he will enjoy my spanking him someday. =)

  2. LOL Han, I thought of something different than traveling when I read role reversal. Happy you two get to connect on Friday. ;)

    Hugs and blessings...Cat


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