Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Come on, Barbie... let's go party!

My guy often cites Aqua's 1997 hit, Barbie Girl. I am not sure why, but it comes up often in our conversations, especially after we have been intimate.

My guy was impressed that I remembered when the song was released. He told me last night that it was a good year for him.

He often takes this lyric and makes it his own:
I'm a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world
Some of his reworked gems include the following:

  • I'm a dopey boy, in a dopey world
  • I'm a sleepy guy, in a sleepy world
  • You're a baddy girl, in a baddy world

I personally like to tell him, "I'm a goody girl, in a goody world." He is never impressed by it.

Good news is that Aqua is doing a 20th anniversary reunion tour next year. I told my guy to go see the concert and get this song as his ringtone. I have a year to convince him to get tickets!


  1. LOL CB...I do like your guy's lyrics better. I'm sure you'll talk him into getting tickets for the'll pick your time just right. ;)

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. I'll let him know that you appreciate his lyrics. I do have a year to get him to this concert. =)

