Friday, August 05, 2016

Playing the ukulele again

The good news is that I felt good about doing my presentation on Thursday. My jitters disappeared after the first couple of minutes, which is normal for me.

The downside was that my boss ruined that good feeling that I had with some of his comments. He really does need to be more positive, especially when two interns helped with the slides. Anyway, I let all that negativity drop. I felt good and several colleagues liked my presentation.

Anyway, to change the topic a bit, I just bought myself a purple ukulele. I am going to learn how to play this instrument again.

When I was in grade 3, my parents bought me a brown ukulele and I learned how to play it in school. Three years later, I joined the ukulele group and used the same instrument.

I had to let go of my beloved ukulele over a decade ago. I still think about it in its cardboard box. I am such a sentimental, reflective person.

When I was in Winnipeg on vacation last month, I came across a colourful display of ukuleles at one of my favourite bookstores out of all places. I didn't see a purple one, but I wanted to do some research, to see if it did come in purple.

Tonight, I found what I wanted. It has great reviews. It even comes with a bag. I am living the high life! I can't wait to pick it up at the store.

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