Saturday, August 06, 2016

Questions from my passengers about the ruler in my car's backseat pocket

It's interesting how I had predicted a situation taking place in a past blog post. It came true on Friday.

Sharky, a software development manager at work, had invited his team for lunch. I am a part of his team. The distribution list left off my two co-op students. I forwarded the invitation to them. They gladly accepted. After all, they are foodies like I am.

Sharky then extended the invitation to my manager and indicated that I would be there. I don't know why he had to make that point or whether I am reading too much into it. My manager accepted.

When it came time to depart, one of the co-op students asked me if I could drive us, as she had to fill up her van with gas. I agreed. My boss wanted to hitch a ride with me, as he does not want to drive. It annoys me sometimes. I wasn't liking the idea of a full car.

So, we all walked over to my car. Naturally, my boss wants to sit behind me and notices that I have grocery bags hanging behind my car seat. Yes, I have hooks there. I wasn't expecting so many passengers. So, I had to hear my boss do a play-by-play about my bags. I had to tune him out and drive off.

I got us to the restaurant and bar. Mind you, I had missed the turn because no one knew where this place was. I ended up doing a u-turn and then turning left in a lane that wasn't meant to be a turning one. I told the co-op students to forget that they saw me do an illegal turn. They didn't mind!

So, last week, my guy and I had quality time in the backseat of my car. He spanked me hard with a wooden ruler. He had placed it in the seat pocket behind my seat. I didn't know that until my boss had mentioned "corporal punishment" to the co-op sitting next to him.
"What?" I asked him. I didn't get the reference.
"We are wondering why there is a ruler back here?" asked the co-op.
Oddly, I didn't panic.
"I use it as an extension of my arm. Sometimes, things roll onto the passenger side of the floor from the passenger seat. When I am stopped at a light, I can't reach it with my arm, so I use the ruler to fetch it."
The explanation made sense to them. I also told them that I was doing some cleaning in the back. It also made perfect sense, as I had a roll of paper towel in the other seat pocket. We all know the real reason why it's there, of course. It's to clean up my guy's cum.
"Did you think that I use the ruler to smack your skull?" I asked my manager.
"The reverse," he responded.
"I don't think so. You'd have to walk back to the office if you did that."
So, although I could have been horribly mortified, everything turned out fine. I can't wait to tell my guy about this story. Perhaps I should make sure that my ruler is safely stowed in the glove compartment after our treehouse sessions!


  1. That was a wonderful recovery! I don't think I could have come up with such a brilliant response.


    1. Thanks, Hermoine! Sometimes, I am good with such responses. Other time, I stumble. I'm glad that I had something decent to say!


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