Saturday, August 13, 2016

Picking up my guy and admiring how good he looks

On Friday, my guy called me at work and asked whether I'd like a late lunch with him. I enjoyed listening to his voice. I was game. He told me that he'd be at the office between 13:30 and 14:00. As expected, he was late and called me at 14:15.

I had to end my conversation with one of the intern students. My stomach and my guy were calling.

My guy told me that he had parked his car closest to the wall in the parking lot. He added that it was where I typically park when I fly off somewhere.

I went to my car and drove over to him. He had his blue suitcase and rolling computer bag in front of his car. He looked good with his cleanly shaved head and a huge smile on his face when our eyes met.

He loaded his suitcase into my car's trunk. I tried to help, but he gave me his usual just-stand-there-and-look-cute-because-you-need-to-protect-your-back look. I couldn't help but look at him lovingly. He looked incredibly good.

We got into my car and we drove off to our usual restaurant.
"You are okay with giving me a lift to the airport?" he asked me, as he simply assumed.
"Of course. It gives me more time to hold your hand and spend time with you," I said, placing my hand on his thigh.
"I love your red nail polish," he remarked.
I enjoy spending a bit of time with him before he heads off to his next travel destination.

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