Sunday, March 21, 2021

Happy Spring!

Happy Spring! It was a whopping 15°C on Saturday, which was lovely. It made the day so cheerful, complemented by the sunshine.

I spent this evening scheduling COVID-19 vaccine shots for my parents. My dad has his two appointments set up. His first shot is this Thursday. I have pre-registered my mom. She's six years younger than my dad, so she has to wait for a bit.

I hope that you are having a great weekend so far.


  1. Yay. great. I've set up mum's as well. she gets her first shot on Wednesday! good luck.

    1. Yay! I registered my mom for her first appointment next Monday. Here's hoping that all goes well for them!

  2. Well done for helping your parents out. Very nice..

    1. Registration is online only and they don't know how to access the Internet, so I had to help them out. I'm happy that they are finally getting their vaccinations soon.
