Friday, July 12, 2019

Groupon mission is going well so far - three more to use up!

Success! After work on Thursday, I used two Groupons. My dinner and dessert items were fabulous.

I have three more Groupons to use before I leave on Saturday, in the afternoon. The plan is to use two after work on Friday and my remaining one on Saturday before I drive out east again.

I really should use my Groupons sooner. At least I devised a plan that works and that is achievable. They expire the day that I drive back home and the eateries are not on my way home.


  1. Groupons were a big thing here some time ago, but the establishments kept pushing people to sign up for memberships and packages and started making people feel bad for taking "advantage" of the groupon pricings, that a lot of consumers are now just skipping the groupon-route altogether.

    Glad that you're not having the same kind of negative experiences using yours :)

    1. I wouldn't be happy if businesses decided to insist on my signing up for memberships and packages. I just want a deal. If it's great, I'm back as a customer. Simple!

      Luckily, I haven't seen that tactic being used here. I hope it never does, as it puts a damper on things!
