Monday, February 13, 2017

Sharing my thoughts on Fifty Shades Darker with my guy and receiving my next spanking

My guy and I had a decent chat on Skype on Sunday. We got snow in my area on Friday. It was a repeat on Sunday. I decided to stay at home, as I had enough fun driving in snowy conditions late last week.

He asked me about Fifty Shades Darker. I told him how I felt. He is intrigued and can't wait to see it with me.
"I liked when we watched Fifty Shades of Grey on your phone," he reminisced.
"Yes," I replied. "You complained about how much of a jerk Christian was and then you got horny. You shouldn't have a problem with him in the latest movie. I think you'll still be horny," I replied.
"Good," he said. "I want to spank you hard again for being the bad girl that you are after we are done watching Fifty Shades Darker."
I like all of it.


  1. Happy you were able to work from home, CB. How much longer do ya have to wait for your guy before he is home? Better let him have a good night's sleep before you two attend the movie... ;)

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. The good news is that my guy returns home on Saturday. He arrives at 5 am and has insisted that I sleep in. He's back for a whole week, so it gives us some time together before he is off on another business trip for a week.

      I agree with you that we both need sleep before we enjoy the movie. =)
