Friday, June 24, 2016

Being a helpful support person and wanting to be a good girl

My guy is like a sweet little boy sometimes. I just want to cuddle and kiss him, but he is still away on business.

He called me at nearly 05:00 his time. I asked whether he had come back from clubbing. He laughed.

He told me that his back is aching. We both have a history of it. He told me that he was going to take it easy.

I asked him whether he still travelled with his electric heating pad. He looked in his suitcase and it was there. I told him to plug it in and rest his back on it.

Then, he had problems connecting to the hotel wifi with his new tablet. I told him to open a browser and go to a Web page other than Google. Sure enough, the hotel page appeared, asking him to enter his special access code.

Finally, he let me know that he has changed banks and needs to update his bank account information to get paid. I told him that he can change all that information on our company's intranet site.
"What would you do without me?" I asked him.
"I don't know. I would be lost, for sure," he admitted.
"I should charge you for this support call," I joked.
"I can pay you in kisses," he hinted.
"I'd like that. It also shows that you are still my Cheap Bastard."
We then had another chat moments later.
"See, I am a good girl for helping you out," I pointed out.
"You're a useful girl, but never a good girl," he reasoned.
"You'll always be my Mr. Meanie," I told him.
"Yes, I like being your Mr. Meanie," he admitted.
Here's hoping that his back feels better soon.


  1. well maybe you can try harder to be a good girl... hopefully one day you'll change his mind :)

    or not. LOL

    1. It's likely the NOT part, which is fine by me. =)
