Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Skype with my guy on Friday night

It was my guy's last night in Turkey a couple of Fridays ago. He was there on a business trip.

We had a good Skype chat that evening. We had missed each other a couple of times, due to my falling asleep waiting for him to call and I didn't hear the notification. My guy was also experiencing some Internet issues at his hotel. So, this Friday was going well.

My guy, for years, has been shaving his hair. I like bald men. I find them sexy. My guy is no exception.

This year, we have had a pretty cold winter. Even though it's now Spring, our temperatures are well below the average. Just last night, we got snow here!

My guy wanted to have a warmer head by growing his hair out. He looks good with hair. He doesn't have much grey and his hair is naturally curly. I also like running my fingers through it.

He often asks me what I think of his hair. He has a bit of thinning hair, so he is self-conscious. I like his hair. I told him that he looks much younger with a head of hair, which is true. It made him feel good.

He got some added support from a manager in Turkey. They had dinner earlier on Friday evening. She pegged my guy as being at least eight years younger than he is.

My guy found her to be managerial even after hours. She couldn't carry a decent conversation with him. She asked him what his hotel room looked like. Um, that was a tad awkward.

Anyway, my guy and I talked some more, to the point where he was getting aroused. I asked him whether he wanted to get off. He did.

Our phone sex this time around was one of the best we have had. He likes when I talk dirty to him. Believe me, it has taken a lot of practice on my part. He has always been patient with me. He came hard and fast. It made my evening.

I told him to sleep well and that I couldn't wait to see him the following day. He felt the same way about seeing me.

Practice does make perfect... and more!


  1. "...asked him what his hotel room looked like"...OMG that line has me rolling! As much as you two have been apart, it's nice to hear that you are getting good at phone sex. Hope you have a lovely reunion when he got home.

    Hugs and Blessings...

    1. Thanks, Cat! So far, it has been great spending more time with my guy. Yes, that question about how his hotel room looked like was weird, but funny!

  2. Difficult for you to talk dirty? I understand. It is not easy, and you must trust the guy not to make fun of you. But you trust him. And you reap the rewards...

    Smile to you, girl with the naughty name, naughty thoughts, just that it will not come out,

    1. He has always been patient with me, especially when I was trying phone sex with him. He's pretty good at it, so I have learned from the best. =)


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