Thursday, March 12, 2015

Date night after work

Last Thursday, my guy and I decided to have a date night after work. My guy was coming into the office in the afternoon to drop off his laptop, which needs a new software image. He would rather have someone do it than for him to spend hours slaving away over annoying software.

I tend to have a team meeting each Thursday afternoon. The bothersome part is that there are a handful of folks on my team who talk so much that it elongates the meeting's length. I originally had it at one hour. I have had to adjust it to 1.5 hours. Now, it is at 2 hours. Often, we go over that time. I even mentioned to everyone that I hope that this trend does not continue.

Anyway, I said in the meeting that I had to leave at 17:00. It worked like a charm. I should do that more often. Five minutes after I had left the meeting room, the rest of my team filed out.

I let my guy know that I was leaving the office. He texted me and said that he was on his way.

We met in the parking lot of the restaurant. He opened my car door to let me out. I was a distraction for him, as he forgot to get something out of his car's trunk. He had a present for me.

We ordered our food and talked. He held my hands and looked at my nail polish. He liked my pink polish. He observed that the purple that I had earlier was more intriguing, probably because it's my favourite colour and it's not exactly the hottest colour to have on your nails.

Anyway, he helped me unwrap my present, which was well-packed with newspaper and tape. It was a lovely stone plaque of an olive tree, which was my gift from Tunisia. The newspaper was neat, for the advertisements were in Arabic and French. I could understand the latter. I would do just fine as a tourist there.

I had sweet and sour fish for dinner. My guy had the garlic chicken. We shared our food and dessert, which was fried bananas with vanilla ice cream. It was nice to catch up and to be reminded of how attractive he is to me.

He told me that we could meet again tomorrow when he picks up his laptop. I loved that idea and embraced him in front of our cars.

He opened my car door. I got in. He wished me goodnight, kissed me, and closed my door. He is such a gentleman. He's sweet.


  1. Your date with your guy reminded me of dates with my sweet. Thanks for sharing.

    Hugs and Blessings...

    1. I am glad that my post brought back good memories with your Matthew. It means a lot to me.

  2. What images did you put on his laptop, girl with the naughty name? Naughty images?


    1. Unfortunately, it's our IT department that has to put a new operating system image on his laptop. It's not as fun as when I upload naughty photos.

      Coincidentally, I uploaded some intimate photos that he had taken of us the other day, which was fun. =)


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