Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Backside compliments

My guy and I have been chatting up a storm on Skype these days. He returns home this weekend -- next Tuesday evening, to be precise.

On the weekend, my guy remarked how rainy and cool the weather tends to be in New Zealand. He didn't want to go out.
"It's too cold for me to walk around and freeze my little buns off," he explained.
"They are cute ones, too," I replied.
He liked that comment. He does have a nice butt. I love groping it, especially when we are in the heat of the moment. It turns me on.

Before my guy went on his business trip, we had quality time together. He had spanked me with a flat wooden ruler and we both enjoyed it immensely. It was the first time in which he took photos of my backside.

We share our photos on a private, shared site (no, not iCloud, although I do like Apple products). Anyway, we found out that the folder that I had created holds a maximum of 500 photos.
"What happened to all those photos of your bare bottom that I slapped hard with the ruler?" he asked me.
"I uploaded them all. You don't see them?"
"Nope," he replied.
So, a day later, I created another folder and uploaded the remaining photos of my bare, sore, pink posterior.
"I love looking at your bare butt. I love it. It's cute."
"Really? I'm glad that you do. I know that you enjoy spanking me, so you must."
"I do a lot."
We are the couple with cute bottoms.


  1. 500. Interesting number. Be careful with this cloud thing, I know you are a computer wizzard and all that,but be careful, OK?

    What would we be without Skype?


    1. I definitely have been and will continue to be careful, Han. Skype is awesome. I don't know how I would get by without it.


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