Wednesday, September 03, 2014

A Labour Day of love and affection

My guy had to work the Labour Day holiday. He had sent me an e-mail, asking if I wanted to meet him after work.

I will back up a bit. On Thursday, we were both not at our best. My guy was starting to feel sick. I was upset at him for not keeping me in the loop with what was going on with him. He apologized, but I still didn't feel like my content self.

Well, he tried his hardest to make things better. I parked in the underground parking lot of our new office. We had moved there last week. I was wearing a light green blouse and a grey skirt. My guy opened the passenger-side door and loved my outfit.

We got into the treehouse. He handed me a small bag. He was a bearer of gifts. He got me a Magic Mount Window. I was thrilled.
"Thank you," I said, wanting to rip open the packaging.
"I'm glad you like it," he said, judging by the huge smile on my face.
"Well, you are technically my Magic Mount. You magically mount me often."
We both laughed. He literally had to tear the gift out of my hands. He also wouldn't let me open the other gifts that he had from his travels to India.
"You're mean. Why won't you let me look at them?"
"Because I want you to look at the other gifts that I have for you," he said to me.
"Sounds good," I said.
"I love you."
He wouldn't let me respond. He immediately wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. It felt good to hold him. It also felt nice that he was touching my bare thighs.

I try to make his working a holiday to be more bearable. It worked out nicely.


  1. You've got one! A magic mount. You know I just had to look on the Internet what is so special about it! I saw! It is great! It is a magic mount. He's not telling if he's sick, does he? He is a guy! Programmed not to share. Genes, girl with the naughty name, just in his genes. You raise him properly and he will be alright. There will be always things he is raised to keep to himself. But he will open up to you, just wait and see. How could he not?


    1. Thanks for your sound wisdom and comments, Han. Yes, he's a guy. Sometimes, he is great at expressing himself and telling me what's going on. Then, he lapses into being a guy.

      Yes, the magic mount is such a wonderful invention. I now have two of them in my car, not including my guy. =)

  2. I love this hop. It's a great way to end the long hot summer.

    1. Thanks for dropping by! Unfortunately, my post for the hop is not this one. I don't know why it didn't post properly when scheduled. Sorry about that!


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