Wednesday, September 20, 2017

My guy misses me

My work laptop is annoying. On Tuesday morning, I had to reboot it four times before I successfully connected to the company's virtual private network (VPN).

My guy and I were both working from home on Tuesday. We were both online. He sent me a message on our instant messaging app and we started to chat:
"How are you doing?" he asked me.
"Good, but busy with work changes. How about you?" I asked him.
"I miss a certain sweet girl with full lips and a cute butt," he replied.
I am wondering what the IT folks make of such work conversations. He's sweet, as usual.


  1. You two are so have to wonder what the IT crew think of those messages. LOL How are you two going to send naughty messages if you take one of the new positions you're interviewing for?

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. We probably would continue sending such messages. We may have to consider texting on our phones instead!

