Monday, September 04, 2017

Date night - at a concert

Last night, my guy and I went to see Depeche Mode in concert. The last time the band was here, I couldn't go. I vowed to not miss the next show.

I thought that our seats weren't that great, but they turned out nicely. We had a side view of the stage.

The concert was amazing! I chatted with the usher. I thanked him at the end and wished him a good evening. He reciprocated.

I also chatted with an older man next to me with his wife. It was my guy's first Depeche Mode show. It was this guy's second. So, I ended up talking about the band's music with both men.

I realize why I do not drink beer at shows. It isn't because I am cheap, although my guy would approve of saving a ridiculous amount of money for a beer at such a venue. It's because you constantly have to leave to hit the washroom and come back. It was a pain after hitting double digits letting folks pass by. I simply wanted to enjoy the show.

I had a wonderful time. My guy did, too.


  1. Happy you enjoyed the concert, CB...I agree, the people that are constantly running to the washroom or for snacks are very frustrating. If they know that's their default behavior, they should book aisle seats so they don't disturb many people.

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. I completely agree with you. It's also annoying when folks come in late to a concert!

      I do enjoy having aisle seats. I get to move out a bit and enjoy moving around a bit. We were about three seats away from the aisle and had a wonderful view.


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