Sunday, October 12, 2014

Understanding Google+ and rubbing my pink bottom

This post is one with mixed content. It wasn't the post that I had meant to write. I still need to share my spanking fun from last Monday.

I have a Google+ account because it makes it easier to use Blogger. I am on social media, with Facebook and Twitter being my main accounts under my real name. However, with Google+, I have never truly understood it.

Well, I am not sure if it's a question of understanding it. I don't think that I need to belong to so many social networks.

With Google+, I decided to use it more as Cutiebootie. All I have done is posted links to this blog. So, whenever I have created a new blog post here, I will add the link to my Google+ page.

In case you are an avid user there, feel free to visit my Google+ page. I haven't done much with my page, so it's pretty basic for now.

My profile photo is indeed a picture of my backside after my guy had spanked it, but it was hours after the fact. As a result, the redness is long gone. He got me the purple panties that I am wearing when he was in Dallas on a business trip. Purple happens to be my favourite colour.

I wrote about my last spanking experience a couple of posts ago. I forgot to mention that after getting thoroughly spanked by my guy, he caressed my bare, sore buttocks for a minute. His touch felt so good, attempting to soothe my well-spanked backside. It's such an intimate, wonderful feeling to have your spanker make you feel better after the session is over.

My next post will definitely be about last Monday. I have time to write about it since this weekend is the Thanksgiving long weekend here in Canada.


  1. I wish I understood Google plus. deleted it once but all the pictures on my blog went blank. There once was a picture there that I would never ever publish, and yet there it was for the world to see. Managed to delete it in the end, but how it got there? since then I avoid it with a big circle around it.

    Looking forward to your spanking post,


    1. I'm sorry to hear about all of the photo issues that you went through.

      Google+ is a bit confusing. I didn't realize that, by default, your location is turned on. I had my exact home location (luckily, just a pin on my street) on my page for a while and didn't realize it! I didn't see anyone suspicious on my street, looking for an Asian girl rubbing her sore bottom. I am fortunate that there are many Asians in my neighbourhood. =)

      The first part of my Monday evening spanking is up. The next post will be the fun details about the spanking itself.


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