Saturday, January 25, 2014

Cars, conversation, a spanking, and a blowjob

My guy and I met at our usual place. He was hoping to leave the office by 15:00. I tend to put in more hours that I should, simply because we have tons of work and we have been short-staffed for a while. Today, I decided to end my day at 14:00.

I actually put $15 of gas in my car's tank. I didn't want to run out of fuel while we were having treehouse time. I drive a Prius and the amount of fuel left was on the low side. It isn't exactly a gas-guzzling vehicle. However, considering how windy and cold it was today, I had to idle my car and keep us warm.

I got to our usual parking lot at 15:15. My guy has been tardy as of late, mainly because he gets tons of questions to answer as he walks out the office door.

He arrived at 15:30, apologizing profusely for being late these days. I told him that it was okay. I had arrived later than I had expected myself. I was also cleaning the interior of my car.

My guy and I rarely have a normal conversation when we have treehouse time. We often can't take our hands off each other, and we start off by hugging and kissing. We didn't do that today. We spent practically an hour talking about various things while holding hands, but cars were on our mind.

He likes the fact that I can talk about various car models and listen to him contemplate his next car purchase. He wants his next car to be a stick shift. I need to learn how to drive a manual one.

My guy is pretty good at making a segue to quality time. We ended up talking about test-driving his next vehicle. It led to this conversation:
"You're such a bad girl," he told me, after I had teased him. "You need to be punished."
"No, I don't," I replied.
"You don't think that you do?"
"No. I'm a good girl."
"No, you're a bad girl," he stated as if it were a fact.
"That's not true. Only you say that I am bad. I'm a good girl."
"You are?" he asked me, slapping my left buttock, which was raised a bit because I was resting my head against his chest.
"I need to sit up straight to protect my butt from being spanked."
"Well, I either spank your butt or your cheek," he said, lightly slapping my left cheek.
"That's not fair," I protested.
"You need to lay across my lap," he insisted.
"My long coat will protect me from your smacks," I said.
"You don't need to worry about that. I will take your coat off."
"I don't want to be punished," I said in a whiny voice.
"If you don't go across my lap, I will pinch your nipple. After your spanking, you'll nuzzle my hard cock."
He reached under my coat and pinched my pussy. It make me smile.

My long, wool coat came off. I was wearing a tight pair of jeans and a grey top with two zippers. He loved the outfit. He unzipped my top and admired my black bra. He was turned on. He playfully reached under my bra and played with my right nipple.

I went over his lap, playing the role of being a reluctant girl. He didn't pull down my jeans, probably because they were so tight. He spanked me hard. Wearing tight jeans seems to make the spanking worse, which I loved.

He played with my crotch and then delivered several slaps across each buttock. I playfully protested that it hurt. I went to cover my backside with my hand. He reached over to take my hand away, kissed it, and then gave me harder smacks across my bottom. Eventually, the spanking stopped and he was pleasuring me.

I came twice. The second time consisted of him fingering my backdoor. It was so intense and wonderful.

After my spanking, he was lightly rubbing it while giving each buttock some light taps. It was sweet. I got up, thanked him, and passionately kissed him on the lips.

I got to nuzzle my guy's erect cock. He took it out of his pants for me to brush my right cheek against it. I proceeded to kiss it, lick its head, and continue with giving him a blowjob. It was awesome. He came quickly.

We were both dopey. We took a brief nap in each other's arms. It was nice, quiet time together. We eventually chatted some more.

My guy has a day trip to New Jersey on Monday before heading to the Middle East for another business trip.

The only good thing about my guy going away is that I know that he will spank me hard before he departs. He always wants me to be happy. Sitting here, shifting from side to side, with a sore bottom is nice. I feel so loved and happy.

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