Sunday, January 31, 2021

Sleep and nonsense

I didn't sleep great last night. I woke up a couple of times and couldn't fall back to sleep immediately.

It's weird that I'm still awake, though. I should be off to bed.

I had mentioned that I was a panelist in a Zoom meeting a couple of weeks ago. I had a great experience.

Well, I noticed that one person who follows me has changed since I was on that panel. Before this meeting, she liked all my posts. After this meeting, she has scarcely liked my posts. Weird.

I don't expect everyone to agree with my opinions. I just offered what has worked for me. She gives me the impression that she was offended by something that I had said and I suppose not supporting me is her way of dealing with it.

She kept asking me a bunch of questions about various topics when she first joined and I was patient with her. Now, I have to deal with this nonsense? I decided to remove her as a connection. I don't need to deal with her immaturity.

Off to bed. I will sleep well.


  1. Maybe she is jealous of your skills. Try reaching out to her.

    1. I think that you're right. I've removed her as a friend. I feel that it's up to her to sort out her jealousy issues. I have spent a lot of time answering her questions that I don't want to go into another session with her. I'll let her open up if she feels the need to.

