Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Snow and a chat about retrieving a leather paddle

On Monday, we got a ton of snow. It started at noon. I advised my small team to go home and continue working from home under safe conditions.

It's just past midnight. It's still snowing. I'm guessing that there is at least fifteen centimetres of snow outside.

Such a snowy day reminds me of the nicer weather in Dallas. It was nice to be in bed with my guy, chatting.
"I need an implement to spank you with," he insisted.
"You can use your hand like you did the other night," I pointed out.
"No, I want less work. I want an implement," he said.
"I brought my leather paddle," I said.
"Where is it?" he asked.
"In my suitcase," I replied.
"Go get it," he said.
"You're closer to it, lazy guy," I said.
"It' seems weird to be going into your suitcase," he noted.
"That has never stopped you before. You have retrieved a paddle, condoms, and lubricant from my suitcase. I always come prepared," I pointed out.
"True. I like exerting little energy," he said, smiling.
"I know. It's called being a lazy boy. I can almost call you a sofa," I joked.
We chatted some more. Eventually, he did manage to go get the paddle, likely because he knew it was time to spank me.


  1. I hear all stories on the news about very cold weather, I hope you are in the part of the country that's not so cold..


    1. It has been pretty cold for the last few days. It felt like -34℃ with the wind yesterday morning as I drove to work. I used to live in either a colder climate, which has been feeling like -50℃ these days.

