Monday, August 06, 2018

Where are you from?

A few weeks ago, I had dinner with a number of academics. Most folks at my table had doctorate degrees. I was one of two who did not.

My guy has always said that I can hold my own ground no matter whom I'm with. All because you have earned a doctorate degree does not necessarily mean that that you the brightest person on the planet.

I was sitting next to a woman who possessed a doctorate degree at the table. I knew most of the people, except for this woman and my friend's husband. Many of them flew into Toronto from the States for a conference.

The American woman tried to strike up a conversation with me.
"So, where are you from?" she asked me.
"Toronto. I'm born and raised here," I said.
And so, the conversation stopped there.

My guess is that, to her, I do not seem like a typical Canadian. However, as Canada is incredibly multicultural, it's not odd that I can say that I was born and raised in Toronto.

If she had asked about my heritage, I would have said that I'm Chinese. The question was never posed that way.

Perhaps she was expecting me to say that I am Chinese-Canadian. I could have. That's more common to hear stateside. I'm Canadian. I happen to also be Chinese.

Her question has stuck with me ever since. I liked my answer. I still do.


  1. Well, either she did not care or she sucks at conversational skills. And its true. Having the highest degree of education doesnt make a person smarter or whatever.

    1. Perhaps a bit of both on her part. At least I never had her as a prof. =)


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