Saturday, June 14, 2014

N is for no and nicknames

I got to spend a bit of time on Friday with my guy. It was a hectic day, for it was our major software release deadline.

My manager had a bunch of last-minute changes to do. My guy had a flight to catch and had to leave the office by 16:00. I was supposed to attend a team lunch to celebrate this software release being over. I would have rather had had lunch with my guy.

The day before, my guy told me to write him an e-mail if my lunch plans had changed. Sure enough, they did. I wrote to him, but he was offline.

I had colleagues who wanted to have lunch with me. It was nice of them to ask. Part of me wanted to go, but I was waiting for my guy to respond, so I took the chance and declined their offer.

Sure enough, just before 13:00, my guy called. He said that he would get his car and pick me up.

It was nice seeing him. He rarely wears jeans to the office and he always looks good in them. He wears them when he travels. He drove us to the restaurant. I got to caress his head once we were stopped at a set of lights.

We had a good lunch. We got to talk about how our day was going. My guy liked my blouse that I was wearing. The collar had a bit of elasticity. My guy liked that he could take a peek and count the number of boobs that I have. I asked whether he thought that I had a uniboob, which made him laugh. He approved of my blouse.

After we were done, we sat around and talked. I had my hands on my lap. They were stretched out. My guy decided to slouch a bit and his knees touched my hands. I ended up rubbing the tops of his knees. We both liked that. I told him that am a touchy-feely girl. He nodded.

After lunch, he drove us back to the office. Traffic was bad due to construction. My guy looked at my legs and loved the cropped jeans that I had on. He told me that I was so cute and pretty. In traffic, he gave me a blue crystal bracelet. His gift completely took me by surprise.

We got to the office and he accompanied me to my floor. It was sweet of him. He told me that he'd call to let me know when we could move his bags from his car over to mine.

It was 16:00 when he called. I went downstairs. He was at his car, parked next to mine, looking at its open trunk. He had a box of manuals that he had to bring to India. He asked me whether he should open the box and put the manuals in his suitcase, or just haul the box to the airport and check it in. I said to do the former. Sure enough, the manuals fit in nicely.

My guy had protein shakes and cans of salmon with him. East Indian food does not agree with his stomach, so he decided to bring friendly foods with him. I helped him move them into the suitcase with the manuals, as there was plenty of room left for them.

My guy had to go back to the training room to get his laptop.
"Promise me that you will not touch anything," he stated. He is protective of my back.
"Is that a threat?" I asked him.
"No, it's a warning," he replied, knowing me too well to want to help him out.
He took longer than he had anticipated to return to his car. He did move all three of his bags into the trunk of my car. They all fit, which was comforting.

I drove us across the street to the airport. We held hands. We joked and laughed.
"What airline are you flying on?" I asked him.
"It is Ethihad, operated by Jet Airways," he replied.
This airline does not roll off my tongue. I couldn't recall the name moments later.
"What was the airline again? Itchy witchy?" I asked, trying to look for the proper entrance to stop at.
"It's Ethihad," he said, laughing. "Bad, Cutiebootie! Bad!"
"I hope that you are okay flying without any elitist (business class) perks. You won't get any free cheese like you normally take for granted," I teased him.
"You sound like a bitchy mouse," he teased.
I suppose that my new nickname is bitchy mouse, which is funny. It doesn't describe my personality at all! I kind of like it.

In the car, I got to caress his head and we said goodbye. I asked him if I could kiss him. He said yes, so we did. He spent a good minute rubbing my thigh with his hand.
"I love your thighs. I can't wait to see you in a short skirt soon," he said to me.
"We need treehouse time when you're back," I replied.
"Yes, we'll arrange for something," he said, with both of us smiling at each other.
We got out of the car. My guy got his stuff out of the trunk and even helped me move my rolling bag into it. We embraced for a decent period. He assured me that he'd call me one he was in India.

I am glad that I got to drop him off at the airport and that we had lunch. Seeing him makes stressful workdays melt away.


  1. Assuming he had a safe flight and will be home soon.

    1. Yes, he has made it safely to India and is trying to adjust to the local time there. He will be back in a week, so it won't be too bad. =)


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