Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Work, technology, shopping, and thoughtfulness

It seems like ages since I have blogged. All is well. Work is just kicking my butt. I would much rather have it spanked by a cute guy, though!

This week is my last workweek before I go on vacation for two weeks. Working three straight Saturdays on top of a regular five-day workweek is draining. Our software release is this week, so I can finally see the finish line.

My guy is still in Dubai. We have managed to talk fairly often on Skype, despite the nine-hour time difference.

In technology news, I caved and got a new Macbook Air to replace my dead HP laptop. I love how thin in it. I told my guy about it. In general, he isn't crazy about Apple products. However, he is genuinely happy that I am happy with my purchase.

I also decided to get a BlackBerry Passport. The device is indeed the size of a Canadian passport, which is how it got its name. Mine is unlocked and uses a nano SIM. In other words, I can use it for both my BlackBerry and iPhone. Yay!

I told my guy about my new BlackBerry. He is well aware that before my iPhone, I owned a BlackBerry for three years.

The next day, we talked on Skype again.
"By the way," my guy started the conversation.
"Oh, no. You normally start a sentence off that way when you want to talk about work."
"No, not this time. Did you get a new phone case for your BlackBerry?"
"I got a purple silicone case from for $5. Cheap Bastard would approve."
"I do! All I see are the hard black and white BlackBerry-branded cases," he replied.
"How come you are looking for BlackBerry cases?" I asked him curiously.
"If you didn't have a case, I was going to buy you one."
He's thoughtful and sweet. The day before, we had this conversation:
"How did you spend your Saturday?" I asked him.
"I slept in till nearly noon. I then went to the largest mall in the world and walked around for several hours."
"Did you buy anything?"
"I bought one thing," he replied.
"What did you get?"
"I bought you a gift. I hope that you like it."
"That's so sweet. I like all gifts that you give me."
My guy returns a few days before Christmas. That is my biggest gift of all.

He misses me a ton. He wants to spend some time together once he arrives that evening. It seems like ages and I miss him, too.


  1. I'm sorry you two are so far apart right now. Glad he will be back before Christmas! :-)

  2. It is a long time since he went away, isn't it. It really is wonderful that he is coming back for the holidays. It will be the best holiday ever, I promise. Just you wait and see.

    It is really wonderful to have you back blogging again, GWTNN.


    1. Thanks, Han. Once Friday is over, it should free up some time for me to blog more. I miss it so much.

  3. Congratulations on your new Macbook Air and BlackBerry Passport...lots of new, fun technology. ;) So happy your guy will be home in time to celebrate Christmas with you...I agree, that is the best gift of all.

    Hugs and Blessings...

    1. I love technology, so it's like an early Christmas for me, Cat. =)

      I can't wait to see my guy soon. I count down the days as if it were Christmas!


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