Friday, August 26, 2022

Expired licence plate

I got a letter in the mail saying that my licence plate on my car had expired. I typically get a letter from the Ontario government that I need to renew it months before it expires. I got nothing.

The process changed this year. You typically pay an exorbitant amount every two years to renew your licence plate. The Ontario government scrapped it, meaning that you don't need to pay and put a sticker on your licence plate every two years.

The confusion is that you still need to renew your licence plate for free. The government is no longer sending paper reminders, so it explains why I didn't know.

I've renewed online. I have a receipt. I don't know whether I get something official in the mail or if my receipt is proof.

Change is confusing in this case. I have been driving with an expired licence plate for nearly a month without knowing until now.

You can get reminders through e-mail or text, or both. I've signed up for both, just to be safe.

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