Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Hair, bag, and a good birthday self-paddling

On Saturday, a couple of nice things happened to me.

I first went to get my hair cut. The hairdresser asked me what I wanted done. She held my hair in her hands and commented that I have nice hair. I felt good, as it has taken time and some effort to get my hair to its current state.

I then went to the grocery store and bought a few items. The woman at the cash register asked if I needed a bag. I said that I was good and took out my reusable bag from my tiny purse. She was amazed at how large and durable my bag was. She even commented that it was a pretty pink. I let her know that I had purchased it from Indigo.

Tonight, I decided to spank myself. I needed it. I started out with a hand spanking over my panties. They weren't hard spanks, but enough to arouse me.

Several months ago, I bought a beach paddle set. I hadn't used the paddle on me until tonight.

I was pretty bold in that I started using the wooden paddle across my bare butt. I started lightly swatting each buttock, ultimately building up such that I gave myself several birthday spankings. It became paddling my age on one buttock plus one to grow on, and then I switched to the other buttock. I did it again, but harder, on each butt cheek. I ended it all by giving myself my birthday swats plus one for good luck across both buttocks.

I am a bit sore, but I feel good. I'm now horny thinking about the whole fun ordeal.


  1. Sounds like you had a good day with a warm bottom at the end. Have a good Christmas.

    1. Thanks, Michael! I wish you and yours a nice Christmas.

  2. you are lucky i am not there or you would be going over my knee for a good spanking!:) Merry Christmas!

    1. My Christmas wish is to be over your knee then. =) Merry Christmas!

