Monday, November 18, 2019

Great weekend and job application

I've had a great weekend. On Sunday, I hung out with three friends over dinner. It was great catching up with everyone. I rarely go out on Sundays.

I worked on my resume and applied for a part-time teaching job. Here's hoping that I am considered.

The weekend is over. Bummer.


  1. I'm thinking about moving jobs too.. but before that i might have to worry about moving house first.

    I hope you get the position!

    1. Thanks, Fondles! It's a part-time position, so I can't drop my current job altogether just yet. If I do get this position and they'd like to hire me as a full-timer, I'd likely say yes.

      I read a few of your posts and I am so hungry! I am fasting, so I had to stop. I'll come back and drool over your posts tomorrow. =)

    2. I hope the labs come back fine! All the best for the upcoming staycation :)

    3. I hope so, too! Thanks so much. I find out later on today. =)

