Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Caps and cuteness

My guy likes to wear a flat cap on his head. Naturally, I love his head because it is perfectly uniform.

When I saw him last week, I took his cap off as we kissed. I enjoy caressing his head while we kiss.

After we had made out and had a bit of quality time, I tried on his cap.
"Hey, it fits my head," I said , surprised that it fit my large head.
"You look cute with it on," he said.
"You should wear it backwards," I said, putting it on him in that way.
"A different look, huh?" he said.
The other day, he said that I should wear caps more often. He like how cute I look in them. I teased and asked if I could have his. Naturally, he said that he would buy we one instead.


  1. Maybe you can find matching caps for you and your guy, CB. Then you can be twinsies. ;)

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. That's a great idea! As long as I don't pick out a pink cap with polkadots, we should be okay. =)

  2. Ooh bikss recently gave me a cap cos i need one so badly. Its the same type that he uses only in a difft color. I feel kinda connected to him that way :)

    1. That's such a sweet and thoughtful gift to receive. I am sure that you feel closer to him when you wear your cap. =)
