Sunday, January 17, 2016

App development involving my getting a spanking

My guy and I are similar, which is one good reason why we get along and are a couple. We seem to be on the same wavelength these days when it comes to learning. We want to do something different to stimulate our brain cells.

For me, it's learning how to drive a stick shift car. I have one more lesson to go.

My guy told me the other day that he is learning how to create apps on Android. It doesn't surprise me that he is fiddling with this new learning experience, as he is nerdy like I am.
"Do you have any suggestions on what apps I should develop?" my guy asked me.
"How about a hot dog app for me?" I said, teasing him over my love for eating hot dogs.
"Um, no," he said, chuckling afterwards.
"How about a spanking app?" I suggested.
"Hey, I like that!" he said, with excitement.
"For the spanking sound effects, we can record your spanking my bare butt and use that in your app."
"See, you always have good ideas," he said, complimenting me.
"I hope that I get this app for free because I sleep with the developer," I said.
"Of course!"
It's good that I get a spanking and a spanking app for free.


  1. lucky you getting a spanking and spanking app for free. what a good idea for an app, good luck developing it. LOL!
    Hugs Lindy

    1. Yes, it's the perfect two-for-one deal! I can't wait to see what my guy creates. =)

  2. LOL You and your hot dogs, CB. And just what is this spanking app going to do? ;)

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. When I see more of what my guy has developed with his app, I will share. Right now, it's top secret. =)

  3. Replies
    1. That's great to hear! I'm excited to try the app out as he progresses.
