Sunday, October 18, 2020

Saturday, Sunday, and self-spanking Saturdays?

I had a nice Saturday. I slept in a bit. I visited a couple of new businesses during the day. It was relaxing and enjoyable.

My area has re-entered stage 2. It means that dining in at restaurants is shut down again. Movie theatres and gyms are closed again. However, takeout and patio dining are still okay. It's important to support local businesses, especially during this pandemic.

Although I didn't get around to my self-spanking yesterday, I am thinking that I should dub Saturdays as self-spanking Saturdays and see if that motivates me more. I don't that it'll happen weekly, but you never know.

Later on today, I'm cooking up a storm. I love Sunday cooking.


  1. You need to mark it on your calendar with a big check box. If you get the self-spanking, then you can put an X in the checkbox.

    1. The thing is that I don't want it to be a task. I don't feel any glory checking it off as a done task.

  2. Also, did you ever try the self-spanking challenges from Spanking Theatre?

    1. Ooh, I love what I have briefly read so far. Thanks for this link, RP. It's most helpful!

  3. Make an appointment for it and have a plan...then let your paddle to the talking!

    1. See my response about. I don't want it to be a structured appointment. It already turns me off.


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