Friday, January 05, 2018

Three spanking implements

I brought three spanking implements for my guy to use on me. Two are made of wood. The other is leather.

My guy has used two out of the three implements on me. The smaller wooden paddle is new.
"I brought three implements for you to choose from," I told my guy on the phone.
"I can't wait to use all three on your bare bottom for being such a bad girl," he remarked.
It'll be fun to see which one he chooses first.


  1. I love how you have stepped up your spanking activities to begin 2018. Happy Brand Spanking New Year! Very exciting to read about your spankings and very arousing to visualize the scenes you describe. Your new implements are intriguing. Wooden paddles are No. 1, but it is difficult to endure for long. So leather for a more prolonged experience, and the sound of the smack is satisfying. I am feeling a strong urge to feel all three of your paddles. Look forward to reading about your experiences with all three of them.

    1. Happy 2018 to you, too!

      I like all three paddles, but the wood certainly hurts more! There are definitely more posts to write. Stay tuned!

  2. Can we say ouch?! Will be interested in hearing the results. :)

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. Ouch, is right! All worth it in the end (pun intended). =)

