Sunday, July 14, 2013

Dreams and mush

I know that I miss my guy when he is on the road for weeks and I end up dreaming about him. I did this just over a week ago.

I don't recall the exact topic that we were discussing, but I wanted some advice from him. As he normally does, he offers that to me.

The transition was rather odd, but the next action that occurred was my being bent over a long table and my guy spanking me. Needless to say, I woke up happy and longing to be spanked.

The other day, I told my guy my dream. He told me that he'd like it to become a reality. I couldn't help but to automatically smile.

Yesterday, my guy and I were chatting on Skype. I was briefly telling him about the interview candidates that I had on Thursday.
"No cute girl as a new hire for me to look at?"
"Nope," I said. "I guess I'm not off the hook."
"You're never off the hook," he said. "Having another cute girl in our department would make me want you more."
"I don't get that," I said. "Wouldn't you go for that cute girl instead?"
"That cute girl would be eye candy, but I wouldn't have the same great conversations, company, love, and sex as I do with you. You will always be my cute girl."
It's neat how we start off teasing each other and it ends up being sweet mushiness at the end. We've been apart for way too long.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes! We have been so sweet to each other since he has returned that it may seem like overkill to some folks... lol
