Monday, February 06, 2023

Allergic reaction when drinking pop from plastic bottles

It has taken me a while to narrow down an allergic reaction. For the past couple of weeks or so, my lips would dry up and they'd be itchy around my lips.

At first, I thought it was my toothpaste and dental floss that I was using while stateside. Nope.

Recently, I noticed that my lips would get itchy when I drank either Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi. The formulation of these two products are different, so I didn't think it was the type of pop.

Both drinks were in plastic bottles. I drank from plastic Diet Pepsi bottles in the States. I realized that I'm allergic when I drink directly from plastic bottles.

I'm not sure whether it'll be better if I pour the pop out of the bottle and into a cup to consume, or stick a straw into the bottle. There wouldn't be any plastic contact with my lips. I also don't know whether the plastic would seep into the pop. I have more tests to do. 

The safe bet is to drink pop from cans or get fountain drinks. I haven't any issues with these formats.

I'm so glad that I have narrowed it down. It's such an odd allergy to have, but at least I know what to do when it happens. I have been using hydrocortisone cream around my lips to stop the itchiness and it works.


  1. That sounds like a pain. One of my friends had some subtle food allergies. She was allergic to rice, for example. She found out by having a sensitive skin test that narrowed it down. The problem with this kind of issue is that it can take a lot of time and effort to figure out. Hope knowing this is the problem helps you get to the right solution.

    1. It is a pain, as most on-the-go drinks tend to be in plastic bottles. I can do canned drinks. I seem to be fine with Starbucks cups so far.

      I'm glad that your friend found out what she is allergic to. It's quite the sleuthing exercise. Once you know, it's a relief.

  2. That's a very strange allergy, but clever you for figuring it out.


    1. It is an odd allergy to have. I thought it was a food or drink allergy. It's a relief to know what I have!
