Monday, October 31, 2016

Pet fish and fish fry

My guy called me twice on Saturday. The first call was on his way to teaching his course, which was expected, except that he was half an hour early.

We talked about my recent trips to the pet store to get a new aquarium for Bubbles, one of my two betta fish. His tank is twice the size as his original one and comes with a filter, which the first one didn't have. It also has a fancy lighting system.

Somehow, we got into talking about fish and lunch. I was also driving, but was looking for a restaurant to stop by.
"I need to find a place to have lunch," I replied.
"Don't go to your fish store and have them fry some for you," he teased.
"Um, no. That would be bad if there were a fish and chips store next to it," I replied.
My guy called me after his course. I can always tell when he misses me when he needs to call me more than once in a day.
"I just came back from grocery shopping at a middle eastern store," he replied.
"That's good. I should stop by there sometime," I replied.
"You'd like shopping there. The place has fish. You can ask them to fry it for you," he stated.
My guy was being serious. What he didn't know until I told him was that I was feeding Coolio, my other betta fish, when we were talking. I had my guy on speakerphone.

It's a good thing that fish can't understand our conversation. They wouldn't have liked what we had talked about!


  1. LOL CB...somehow I read your blog title as 'Pet Fish Fry' and almost croaked! Just hope Coolio and Bubbles didn't understand your conversation...they could be plotting revenge. :)

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. haha! I can't imagine frying my pets. They are doing just fine and don't seem stressed. =)
