Saturday, December 22, 2012

Cheering me up and crying while being spanked hard

On Wednesday, I woke up feeling blue. For a while now, I have felt like I am being taken for granted at work -- that I will always be there for folks. I am the dependable one. Folks expect me to meet deadlines and have tasks done quickly. I don't feel like my work is ever good enough to others, mainly because my workload is still through the roof.

I got to the office in the afternoon and said hi to my guy. He looked nice in his blue sweater. The new writer came to talk to me. I then moved over to her desk, for I had to pick up a new parking pass from the human resources (HR) person sitting across from her. My guy also had to get a new parking pass.

It was a nice conversation between the HR woman, my guy, and me. My guy knew that I was heading downstairs to hang my parking pass on my car's rear-view mirror. We walked down together, talking and catching up. We then went back to our floor. He asked how I was. I told him that I was feeling blue.

We talked in the kitchen for a bit. He's a good listener. I felt a bit better, but my sadness wasn't completely gone.

Towards the end of the day, my guy logged on to Skype.
"Wanna grab some Chinese?" he asked me.
"Food or me?" I asked playfully.
"Food for now," he replied, adding a smiley face after his statement.
"I thought so. Okay. Maybe dinner will cheer me up."
"I hope so," he replied.
We packed up our stuff and walked out the door together. We got into the elevator and talked with a guy who was trying to escape work. We wished him a Merry Christmas and exited the elevator.

My guy offered to drive us to the restaurant. So, I put my stuff in my car and got into his.

We talked towards the end of our drive to the Chinese restaurant that was up the road. I first introduced the restaurant a few months ago. My guy is completely hooked on the food.

My guy loves my hands. He truly believes that I should be a hand model and has offered to take pictures of them. So, we tried that using my phone. The photo shoot was fun. I was joking that it was a lot of hard work.

As usual, the food was excellent. The company was much needed.
"Maybe you need to be punished to make you feel better," he suggested.
I wasn't sure if I wanted to be spanked. He was being his usual sweet self by making tonight a me night.

After dinner, we drove to our usual treehouse spot. I reached out and held my guy's hand. I squeezed it. He reciprocated.

I ended up teasing me. He playfully mocked my laugh. I acted like I was offended and took his hat off, caressing his head.
"I don't like you," I said, obviously not meaning it.
"I like you a lot, though."
We got into the treehouse. I admitted that I wasn't sure if I was in the mood for quality time. Instead, I wanted to be held in his arms. I needed that. I took off my long, black military coat and cuddled up next to my guy. He held me, telling me that things were going to be okay. He kissed my forehead tenderly as he generally does.

I would say about fifteen minutes later, we started to kiss. He wanted to strictly focus on me. I had a grey, v-neck sweater on. He played with my breasts and ultimately dipped his hands under my sweater and bra to play with them.

Normally, my guy unbuttons my pants. I did that tonight and pulled them down, along with partially pulling my panties down. My guy played with my clit. We continued kissing as he fingered me. Moments later, I came and rested my head against his chest, feeling rather limp. My guy kissed my forehead again, gently removing his hand.

I asked him if he would spank me. He didn't hesitate. He pulled me across his lap and pulled my panties down to my thighs.

These days, I can tell that he truly loves to spank me. He does it hard and there are moments where he delivers multiple smacks in rapid succession. He scolds me in the process. I absolutely love it.

What happened next was unexpected. I was in a sad mood. He was spanking me hard and scolding me. I ended up crying almost uncontrollably. My guy stopped spanking me. His other hand caressed my upper back. Frankly, I think that I had scared him.

The spanking, although hard, was not the cause of my crying, which I think my guy believed was the cause of my outburst. I have to say that the emotional release was needed.

He apologized for spanking me so hard. I told him not to be. He had three fingers up my clit. He truly wanted me to feel better. I did. After I had reached orgasm, I sat up and looked at him.
"I haven't cried during a spanking in a long time," I said to him.
"Is that good or bad?" he asked me.
I kissed him. He knew what the answer was.

I rested my head against his chest and we cuddled some more. More kissing ensued. I reached down to his crotch and found the tip of his hard cock. I rubbed it with my right hand. It drove him crazy. I wanted him to feel good, too.

So, his slacks and briefs came down. We continued to kiss as I gave him a handjob. It worked out nicely. He was just as dopey as I was afterwards.

My guy said several sweet things to me afterwards. He told me that I was a special person and I was everything that he needed, which made me tear up. He always tells me that I'm funny and beautiful, but his comment meant more tonight. He also pointed out that 2012 was "the year of the Cutiebootie," which made me smile. We both agreed that it has been a great first year together. I told him that I wanted another great year with him coming up.

It always nice to be wanted and loved. It's important to have someone who can cheer you up when you're feeling down and who is there for you. I am grateful to have my guy.


  1. oh you know when I"m stressed out that's what i really need - a good spanking, some good ol fashioned loving, and lots of attention to let me know that I'm cherished and loved.

    and then it becomes all better.

    i understand about the crying from emotional release. it's really very liberating.

    happy holidays dearie, to you and your guy :)

  2. I'm so glad that you understand, Fondles! It completely took me by surprise that I didn't know how to explain to my guy that he wasn't spanking me too hard. I just needed to get my emotions out.

    Happy holidays to you and BIKSS! All the best to you both in 2013. =)


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